The office is open by appointment only on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 3pm

Please call to schedule an appointment: 619-262-9098

Rental Packages

Assembly Hall

(3,768 SF - up to 250 People Seated)

Best Deal Package - 8 Hour Facility Rental

Pay In Full Rate
  • Monday - Thursday = $1,200
  • Friday = $1,660
  • Saturday = $2,260
  • Sunday = $1,460
Pay in 2 Payments Rate
  • Monday - Thursday = $1,360
  • Friday = $1,860
  • Saturday = $2,560
  • Sunday = $1,640

8 Hour Facility Rental: 2pm - 10pm; 2 hour setup; 5 hour event time; 1 hour clean-up

*ideal for Milestones, Birthday Parties, and Weddings

Damage Deposit = $350

Ultimate Package - 13 Hour Facility Rental

Pay In Full Rate
  • Saturday = $3,660
Pay In 2 Payments Rate
  • Saturday = $4,100

13 Hour Facility Rental: 12pm - 1am; 4 hour setup; 7 hour event time; 1 hour clean up

Lounge & Outdoor Space

(1,254 SF - up to 50 People Seated)
  • Monday - Thursday = $500
  • Friday = $660
  • Saturday = $760
  • Sunday = $560

1 hour setup; 4 hour event time; 1 hour clean-up

*Perfect for a Kids Birthday or Celebration of Life

Damage Deposit = $200
Room rate includes:

limited on-site parking, tables and chairs for 200 guests, and dance floor. Outside catering is permitted. CCofSD may increase damage deposit at its discretion. Events may end no later than midnight. Additional event hours may be purchased ($300/hour).


30 days before your Special Event Application is granted, an ACORD Certificate of Insurance reflecting Commercial General Liability insurance, and Host Liquor Liability Insurance (if applicable) shall be provided, for the Host Organization. Commercial General Liability with limits of: $1 million per occurrence; $2 million general aggregate. The policy must be endorsed to name "Columbus Club of San Diego, Inc., its officials, representatives, employees and agents" as additionally insured. You must provide a copy of the actual endorsement. Listing CCofSD as an additional insured on the certificate of insurance is not sufficient. Liquor Liability is required if alcohol will be consumed at the event. Bounce House Liability is required if bounce house will be at the event

4425 Home Avenue, San Diego, CA 92105

We are located just south of City Heights near Fairmount Avenue with easy access from I-805 (Home Avenue exit).